Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Puttin' on the Ritz

Elementary School Talent Show + 22 kindergarteners + Puttin' on the Ritz = Adorable!!

It was a lot of work, but a group of us moms put together a dance for the school talent show. Princess and 21 other kindergarteners were the hit of the show.  The kids were so excited, it made every minute spent teaching the dance and making the costumes worthwhile.  Princess wore her costume for several days afterward.  I love being able to stay home so that I can do fun things like this with the kids.  I am so blessed.  


  1. I hope you have this on tape because I can't wait to see it! Love, love, love the costumes!

  2. You're amazing -- I love it!!!

  3. I love the costumes! What a cute idea!

  4. Wish I could have been there to see it!
